“24 years 3 months and so many minutes ago the nurse looked at me and said “Would you like to hold your daughter Mr.Coules?” and I said “Always and Forever.”
I might not have the numbers a 100% right but those are the words that were my undoing. It was pretty much touch and go from there to keeping my tears in check and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one with goosebumps. Lauren’s father gave THE most beautiful speech I have ever heard at a wedding – I am pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. It was long without being boring but it was long because it was rich with history, meaning and love for Lauren. Almost as touching as the words Lauren’s father spoke aloud was her Mother standing behind him – trying to hold it together but crying those silent alligator tears; not speaking much on the microphone for fear of falling to pieces. Ryan’s family were no slouches though! If Lauren’s family were beautifully open with their sentimentality – Ryan’s family was alive and excited with the celebration. They brimmed with pride at the man that they raised – so happy to see him marry a woman that not only he loved so much but that they loved too. I don’t think I have enough words or ways that I can describe what it was like to be a part of their special day. Lauren and Ryan to watch the two of you together is to be in the presence of true love in it’s purest form. It is quite easy to see that you are soul mates and Bryan and I enjoyed every moment of the day right along with you. I have never seen a couple laugh, love, cry, and just be present in their day as much as the two of you. Your families danced together, your hearts sang together and two souls were united as one. I feel privileged to have been just one of the many witnesses to your love and know that I went home visibly moved and shaken by watching your families and you together. That is what I want my son’s wedding day to look like – hearts running free unabashedly running towards happiness. I wish the two of you all the joy in the world and now for some photos . . .
Getting a few touch ups
and the tears start for Mom!
I love the moment a father first sees his daughter all dressed up on her wedding day
The groom and his beaming parents just before the ceremony
I think this moment might be the hardest for me one day
Oh kids during weddings – they are the best!
That look of love cannot be directed, cannot be planned or coached – it happens when you love someone deeply and with joy
To get the couple to kiss you had to do a dance – this particular dance was YMCA and most people joined in!
The infamous speech! Mr. Coules you have a beautiful way with words – you moved an entire room to listen to every word and we were all with you every step of the way.
Wishing you friendship and love,
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