What is this? What happened to the photos?

Here’s the thing – I debated heavily how to move forward, do I delete all these posts that were so many years of my hard work and the beautiful stories of so many lovely couples? For over 15 years this place was dedicated to sharing my professional photography – and though I don’t want to return to it I just couldn’t delete it all. So maybe leaving the posts is confusing and not the way that others would do it – but I have rarely in any of my endeavours stuck to the status quo or the mould that others would. Besides – this is not a business or an entirely “professional” space – this is for me and so the only rule that matters is that I am happy. Be ready for the occasional swearing, run on sentences and a completely informal way of writing (don’t come for my grammar – I don’t want to hear it).

So here goes – this is the place where I will empty out all of my current projects, thoughts, feelings, pondering, art, and just general content. You might end up here because of one of my podcast episodes, maybe you are in the same industry I am in now, maybe you are just as random as I am. In case we haven’t met before, hello, my name is Amanda Lachapelle – I am a woman in tech and retired former professional photographer – running a managed services consulting company with my husband Bryan. He’s the sales and finance side and I’m the operations and people side. Our skill sets have always complemented each others and so it was no surprise when he was my right hand at weddings for many years and that I am now his in the IT company now. I enjoy the aspect of this business that involves learning something new every day while also getting a chance to operate in the community.

I enjoy any role honestly, where I can find what is amazing about the people around me and bring it to light for others to see. I enjoy teaching and raising other people up – because if I’m honest I need that too. I’m the oldest so I’m a (bit) bossy one but I try not to take myself too seriously and enjoy a good laugh. I care very deeply not only about my passions, the people around me but also about staying connected to what it means to be a human in this ecosystem. Reciprocity and authenticity are the most important aspects of life – I long for a world where we all connect more and where we can find equanimity so that we can learn that we don’t all have to agree to be able to get along.

This space will likely be many things – which is why I don’t want to define it just yet. I’m not interested in a perfectly curated experience – I want it to be messy and imperfect – the way that life often is – I think the world needs to see more of that. Kind of goes hand in hand with what I said before authenticity besides there are plenty of places where I exist on the internet in a more “refined” fashion. I have many goals and dreams and since I’m now older than I was when I was 25 – I feel the need to pursue them with more fervour than ever. So join me if you would like on whatever this will end up being! Kick up your feet and enjoy the utter random way my ADHD brain works…




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